Monday, October 31, 2016

September 2016

Now that the fun of reunions and summer is over, we're back to the regular grind, which includes a quick coat of paint in a rental turnover. Of course you understand a "quick" coat of paint translates into three ten hours days for me at the rental, followed by a "quick" day mowing, raking leaves, and general outdoor clean-up. The good news is that it was rented right away.

We decided it wasn't time for the fun to end.  
I found these three early one morning and picked them up.

Some of us decided to go annoy visit the Pearsons, Bassetts, and Joneses over Labor Day weekend. The only family we were missing was the Butlers and Jorden. I guess waiting to mention we were headed to Colorado three days before we left wasn't enough time for them. Go figure. Honestly, it was a last minute things for most of us.  Don't worry Megan, we didn't have any fun.
At. All.
Jordenwas at a BYU football game with his dad and brothers. I think they lost. You should have come to Colorado, Jorden.
Jessica, are you sure you're pregnant? I look a lot more pregnant after a bowl of ice cream than you look all day.

Princess Ava.

The kids had a ginormous slumber party in the office.

Someone else's toys are always more fun than the same toys you have at home.

I haven't seen Makayla playing Barbies for at least a year. 
I guess Bassett Barbies are cooler than mine.

We walked to a park near the Bassett's and did some crayfishing.

All you need is a string with some raw meat tied to the end.

It didn't take long to have several dozen in the bucket.

It was fun to watch the kids catch a crayfish as fast as they could pull the string out.

Ava, professional crayfisher.

Crayfish are really disgusting little creatures.

They look like a cross between an ugly bug and a tiny lobster.
I didn't get my own good picture of them. Picture from here.

When they realized you were carrying them away, they jumped off the string and scurried back to the water. They're pretty fast, and you don't want to touch them and get pinched.

Fishing buddies.

It's good to see Myla brought her weapon in case the crayfish get out of hand.
The fan club.

Kenison would like a turn. Her mom is ignoring her.

I'm not sure if Nora's excited

or repulsed.

Got one!

Official baby-holder.

Looking for the very biggest catch.

It's so quick and easy to get a nibble.

Get that big one!

Koen, showing mom how it's done.

Fortunately for the crayfish, after an afternoon of fun, we poured them back into the water.

I guess Shelly had other things planned for lunch.

We timed our visit to go to the Fort Collins' temple open house. Of course, you can't take pictures inside, but it was a large, crowded, beautiful temple.

I guess Hannah wasn't as impressed as I was.

Makayala and Amy at the temple.

I adore Nora's bold choice of clothes. It reminds me of Ashley years ago. Karma, Ashley, karma.

After all, Nora's the only one who came prepared to go swim.

After the temple, we headed to a park.  This smart girl was ready to go.

It was plenty warm in Colorado. Spray parks are perfect for days like today.

Koen loves his dad. He sticks pretty close to him at all times.

Digging to China.

How wet can you (not) get?

Grandpa making sure no one goes for an unplanned swim.

It's cool to be Kenison. Everyone loves her.

Cute little cousins.

Getting a better look at those--swans? cranes? geese? drones? in the distant sky.

Book reading buddies.

Love these two cute cousins.

Soon it was time for the best time of the day.

The sensible thing for us to do would have been to also go to bed. Nope. These crazy women forced me into the car in the middle of the night for a Walmart run. Usually by this time, I've been asleep for three hours. People! Your kids will be arising in just a few hours! What are you thinking?!? 

As if that wasn't bad enough, we may have stayed up all night talking the next night. You know, the night before we drove home? Not smart.

Kailyn just gets prettier and prettier.

Grandpa and Jordan made a cake together from scratch.

Which was perfect, since Makayla is turning eight.

Lighting things up...

...and blowing them out.

Happy birthday, Makayla!

Sadly, we had to go home. Even sadder, there's not much to choose from in the way of restaurants on the way.

After we got home, we had a fun visit from Angie and Pete.

We went to Makayla's favorite restaurant- Fancy Sushi- in Billings to celebrate her birthday.

Here she is, post baptism.

Love you, Makayla!


  1. I would think you could find a use for all those crayfish. Maybe topping for ice cream? If you keep feeding them meat, they'll get as big as lobsters and you can use them for fine dining. Looks like fun! And congratulations on your baptism, Makayla!

  2. I don't like this post that excluded me :(

    1. Next time we are all going to come and annoy you. Get your blow-up mattresses ready!

  3. I love reading about your family gatherings! I have to confess to a little bit of envy ... :)

  4. Crayfish catching - I'm jealous too. In Louisiana you boil them, chew on the heads and suck out all of the juice, then pull of the tail and eat it. They also make fine pets in an aquarium. All of the girls on the late-night run to the store was fun - the faces look so full of mischief. Nice to get some kid-free time.
