Tuesday, October 18, 2016

June 2016 Part Two-Texas! and a Birthday

Hudson's blanket is grey, navy blue, and shades of turquoise. 

Unfortunately, the camera turned it to a pinkish and washed out blue-grey.  The back is a bright turquoise soft pinwale corduroy.

The fabric is a manly assortment of vicious bears,

 and scary hippos

and sharp arrows,

and spooky animal noises.  

Yep, this baby blanket will frighten Hudson right to sleep.

 Megan, David, and Hudson are living in a spectacular penthouse nice apartment. It's really like a little city, with hundreds and hundreds of units. As I contemplated the task of their landlord, I broke out in hives.  I think we'll stick with our little one, two, and four unit places.

Here's the real reason I came. 

There's something so wonderful about that first baby being born into a family. It's so life changing.

My baby had a baby--can you believe it?

And what a cute little fella he is.

There's a ginormous mall in Dallas.  It's got every store I've ever heard of, and dozen more that are new to me. We spend some time there, getting a few things Megan and Hudson needed.

Babies are so pleasantly portable at this stage of life. 
Wait! What's that bowl in front of you, Megan?
Is it-----ICE CREAM?!?!?

 Oh yup it is. I had some too.

Hudson will get his later, recycled and warmed.

This guy's so long and lanky and cute.

He's a good sleeper, too.

And a good burper. 

He spent lots of time dreaming while I was there.

Here he is, looking annoyed that someone woke him up.

 It's hard to believe Megan is a Mommy. She's a great Mommy.

 We spent a day at this cool atrium place. 

 Excuse my hair. It was rather humid in here.

Hudson and his favorite manatee.

Eventually I had to go back home. It was hard to leave the Butler's.
I came home to a party.

Yep, this youngster is growing up.

Ten years old was not that long ago in my own life, Hailey.

 You're going to go from 10 years old to very old in no time at all.

It's time to do some more travelling. Don't let Kenison's happy, adorable, silly face fool you.  I'm about to hear how long she can cry without taking a breath, and it was ug-o-lee.


  1. I love your boy-quilt. Great fabric choices. And what a cutie Hudson is! Don't you think it's amazing how your baby has adapted to having her own baby? Becoming a mother is one of the miracles of life.

  2. I love every single quilt you've ever made, but Hudson's is one of my favorites. It's still weird to me that Megan has a baby but it doesn't surprise me one bit that she's a great mom.

  3. You guys have been getting around. Thankfully, ice cream is usually nearby whenever you need it.
