Sunday, October 16, 2016

June 2016, Part One

Sadly, all too soon it was time for these jumpers to go home.

They would soon be replaced by new jumpers.

 But I'm getting ahead of myself. As soon as school ended my "locals" and I jumped into summer fun.

Summer fun includes going for a doggy ride,

seeing 3-D Zootopia

and shopping for the coolest leg and foot wear.

Now that Picasa is no more, I have no idea how to rotate pictures on Blogger, despite extensive googled solutions that didn't work.

We spent some time at Oasis.

I'd say we returned several times to work on our tan, but I'm a stickler for sunscreen.

Sorry girls, we're going to be working our on lily white look instead.

We just spent time with the Pearsons a couple of weeks ago. You'd think they'd be tired of us, but nope! They have permanently left Portland and are resting in Billings for a bit before heading to Thornton, Co. It's a monumental time day for us-it's not often we benefit because we're on the way to something.

I love having these guys in the house.  Here's Nora, showing us the correct way to love yogurt.

It makes THE BEST hair conditioner.

I just adore this little girl.

Somebody had a birthday in Billings.

How can Brin already be five???

There's helpful sister Nora, counting how many boyfriends Brinlee has.

Argh! I need to fix this non rotation problem. Brinlee is into Frozen big time, like five year olds everywhere.

 In between visiting and visitors, I've been frantically working on the latest baby quilt. I'm going to leave and deliver it in person.


  1. Those grandgirls are so stinkin' cute! Every single one! I had forgotten the Pearsons were going to Colorado. Does that mean you'll move to Colorado some day? There's no snow in Redlands. You could live HERE. Just sayin'.

  2. Such cute grandkids! Hard to believe that Brinlee is 5. Wow!

  3. Its beginning to look like Colorado is the promised land for Joneses. Legalized marijuana and all those grandkids, what are you waiting for?
