Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hailey "Pele" Beckham

Have you noticed how many of my postings lately are all about Hailey and Makayla? Yeah, get used to it! Our own lives are a bit boring. We do have some big projects on the horizon, but it's too early to spill our beans...

It feels like it's been ages since Stan and I have enjoyed the fun of sitting in sub-zero temperatures to take pleasure in our children's sporting events. Hailey has kindly allowed us that privilege once more by joining the soccer team. And being Grandparents, we get the added benefit of having earned the right to brag unfettered. There's our athlete, wearing a purple coat in the front of the pack.

It's fun to see how much Hailey is enjoying soccer. I tried and tried to talk my kids into playing soccer, but they went in other sport directions. 

*Brag alert* Hailey is really good.

Here's what Makayla did during the game: play about a mile away with a little boy her age.

Makayla also tried to get warm. I'm guessing the temperature with wind chill was -3 degrees. Trust me. It was.

Makayla also spent some time trying to pinch her fingers in the chair Amy brought but we were all too cold to sit in.

 *Brag alert* Hailey was hands down the best goalie.

She is really good at blocking. The coach has been trying to teach the girls to "fall on the ball", not just stop it with their hands or feet. This allows them to dive for a ball they can't reach.

Hailey was the only player that could do it right.

They don't keep score at these games, but *Brag alert* I'm quite sure Hailey's team trounced the other team.
 I can't wait for your next game, Hailey, but can you please order warmer weather??


  1. She's not only the best player, but the one with the best smile!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How fun! So proud of you hailey! And they don't keep score?! What's even the point of playing then if there's no winner? : ) Oh maybe it's that treat at the end. That would do it for me!

  4. It is always nice to have a ringer in the family. Makes the games even more fun to watch.
