Sunday, May 12, 2013

Run, Run, As Fast As You Can!!

She made me do it!
Somehow, Amy talked me into participating in the Women's Run this year. You can do 2 miles or 5 miles. We (I) decided to start small and do the 2 mile for our first attempt.
Do I look like I'm in pain? Yeah, and that's BEFORE the race.

Our biggest fans came to cheer us on. That look on Makayla's face indicates this may be the last time she sees us alive.

There were 8550 runners this year-a few hundred less than last year's record participation.

The run is in downtown Billings. See that Bakery sign on the very right of the picture? It was all I could do not to veer over there and grab a donut. Or two. It's good they didn't carry gelato, or it would all be over.

There is a sensor in your number and when you pass under the start or finish line, it records you so you know exactly how long it takes to do your run.   Amy and I are wearing our nifty "Dr. Jones, your friendly neighborhood dentist" women's run shirt over our pink women's run shirt. Makes it easier to spot us, doesn't it?

Bye! Wish us luck!

See that youngster on the right? Yeah, that's what REAL running looks like. She passed me and I still haven't caught up with her. You are allowed to run, jog, walk, or crawl. I was going to crawl but it's hard on the knees.

This run has babies in strollers, toddlers, and women as old as their 90's. In 2007, a 91 year old finished the 5 mile in 1 hour 17 minutes. Dang. I was happy to finish the 2 mile in less than 1 DAY. At least I think I finished in less than a day--they haven't posted our times yet.
I was somewhat nervous about whether or not I could do 2 miles. My current exercise program involves a brisk walk up a very steep incline. As it turned out, 2 miles was a piece of cake--next year we're doing 5 miles for sure. I'm lots more worn out after my morning workout.

 Since it's Mother's Day, the girls made garden stepping stones for Amy earlier this week. Too bad Amy doesn't have a yard. I guess I'll have to store them in MY yard until she does.

I've had the supplies since last summer, but we never got around to making them. They've been pestering asking me all winter to let them make these. Finally, it's warm enough for cement to dry.

 I also took Hailey and Makayla to the dollar store with the instructions to "Think what Mommy would really, really like for Mother's Day. Not what you like, what your Mom likes." Then I stood back and watched. After nearly an hour of deliberation, Hailey choose this stuffed dog. 

Makayla chose these this sparkly blue stars after 3 seconds. Nothing could dissuade her.
 Hailey is totally into photo bombing lately.

 We carefully wrapped them and waited for Sunday.

Clearly, this IS just what Amy always wanted! (Academy Award Amy!!!)

Makayla just knows mom is going to love her gift.

Obviously, these lovely stars are ALSO a hit. Makayla instructed Amy to "stick them up around for Mother's Day."

Makayla gifted me this lovely artwork she made in preschool, even though it says "To Mom" on the outside wrapping paper and "I love my mom because she's the best and I love her so much". Yeah, she has a tendency to give away things to whoever she's happiest with at the moment.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!


  1. Whoever coupled the words "Fun Run" has a screw loose. Looks like a successful Mother's Day all the way around. I'm glad you and Amy got some new decor. Everyone could use a handprint flower pot or blue stars or a cuddly puppy, right?

  2. Blue over pink is a nice idea when you are trying to stick out for photos.

  3. Go Mom and Amy! You make it look so easy! And what lovely and thoughtful mother's day gifts! I will have to keep those in mind for next year. : )

  4. Way to go Mom and Amy! I want to do it with you guys! Next year all the girls should do it! I LOVE the Mother's Day gifts! Amy is one lucky girl!
