Tuesday, December 23, 2014


On Friday, December 19th, we headed down to Rexburg for The Big Day. We stopped by the Butler's cute apartment. It looks startlingly like the Pearson's Rexburg apartment, probably because it is. Maybe not the same exact apartment, but in the same complex, with the same slippery stairs, the same non-shutting front door, the same floor plan, the same dark-unless-you-open-the-patio-curtains living room,

and the same spacious kitchen, first thing you see as you come in the front door.
This is graduation day, and we couldn't be prouder or more excited.

We've had children at BYU-I for nearly a decade now.

We've acquired three four wonderful BYU-I son-in-laws. (I should add Ken since Shelly and Ken started dating while Ken was still attending BYU-I.)
The campus itself has seen numerous changes in the last decade, like the temple, or the new conference center, or all of the new housing for the rapidly increasing student population. Some things haven't changed, like Montana Megan wearing sandals in sub-degree weather. 

We wandered around campus, looking for signs to take pictures by, just so another decade from now we'd have a reference point when we wonder, "Now what was the name of that college Megan graduated from?"

I'm proud Megan has made it through four years of struggle, long study sessions, and hard work.


Have I mentioned how proud I am of this lovely girl?
Ignore that "John L. Clarke" sign. This is Megan's building.

See? There's her college!

Megan and I strolled the halls. Nursing is a hard program to get into. You have to have several semesters of great grades to even hope to get admitted, and you can't get a grade lower than "B" during your time in the program.

Megan showed me the pictures of each graduating class, going back to pre-historic times,

all the way to modern times,

ending with Megan's class. There's My Megan, second nurse from the right on the front row.

More cute couple-ness.

A-hem. When did they start allowing PDA?

Nurse Megan checking to see if David has a heart. He does. Phew!

The Butlers and David's sister Suzy came up from Texas and Utah respectively for graduation. It was fun to be together, and nice of them to make the long trip.

The proud parents and

the proud in-laws.

You've worked hard, Megan. Relax!

Megan and some of her favorite classmates. Since you see the exact same people in all of your classes for several semesters, you get to be best friends.

Proof that Megan graduated-her name in black and white on the official program.

Megan made it all the way across the stage without tripping once. She really is amazing!

The New Graduate!

The New Graduate(s)!

We headed into the storm the next morning so that we would be home for Stan to speak at church on Sunday. You'd think the bishop could delegate that responsibility....

I've made this frozen, slippery, beautiful Rexburg journey dozens and dozens of times in the last ten years. I'll miss it! 
Congratulations, Megan! On to the NCLEX and new adventures!


  1. Congratulations Megan! I'm so proud of you. I wish I could have made it to your graduation. Mom, it's hard to believe you won't have anyone at BYU-I anymore. I'm sure you could make that drive with your eyes closed. Don't you have 4 BYU-I son-in-laws?

    1. I do have four wonderful BYU-I son-in-laws, but I excluded Ken since he and Shelly never attended together. However....

  2. Congratulations to a beautiful girl. You'll be a great asset in a hospital or doctor's office somewhere! (P.S. I had to laugh when I saw those sandals--the first thing I noticed. I think she's related to Sam!)

  3. Congratulations Megan! Big accomplishment, something worthy of a great celebration. And congratulations to Chris and Papa Trash for raising a great kid. Where to now?
