Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Anatomy of a Remodel: Weeks 17. 18. and 19

 We've been a little distracted in our remodeling projects. First we had that Thanksgiving stuff and these fun visitors,

Amy's been extra busy at work and I've had lots of extra time with these two.

Finally we had that very fun Colorado thing and all that time on the road.
In the middle has been tithing settlement and getting everything pulled together for the Christmas season. All that distraction means we've had limited time for remodeling. "Darn it!" I said with a big smile on my face.
The good news is we have had a few hours hear and there and are nearing the end of our duplex repair.
This damaged corner is not a difficult repair, but it is labor intensive.
You have to pull things apart and replace the metal strip that supports the corner, replaster, and texture. Note the big messes we've created which yours truly will be cleaning.
It is now repaired and ready to paint. I've made the executive decision to leave the gate off in the hopes that potential renters won't damage the corner with a gate again. We put the gate up when Amy lived here, and they left it undamaged, but given our experience, that's likely the exception.

The bedrooms used to have curtains, ripped off by the renters and replaced with mini blinds that were about 3 inches too short on each side. We replaced them with faux 2" wood blinds that actually cover the windows perfectly.

I haven't posted a close-up of the new basement carpet with nicely matching new wall paint. The basement is still the nicest place in the house.
And that's it, folks. This weekend is our trip to Megan's graduation, then Christmas. Darn it. My aching shoulder and painters elbow may actually have time to heal.

1 comment:

  1. It's looking close to completion. It is certainly in better shape than our house now. Maybe you need to come for a visit.
