Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Joneses Visit Mexico: Swimming With the Fishies

On Wednesday, we all headed over to the dolphin pond to do some swimming. I know this is a horrible, anti-peta thing to do, but it was So. Much. Fun! It's also not exactly a Mexican thing, but it's definitely a vacation thing.

I let Stan paddle me around for a bit while we surveyed the dolphins. They were all born into captivity.

We did a little dolphin smooching.

Stan and Flipper share a tender moment.

 This guy's either napping or dead.

We did the dolphin tango,

and dolphin patting on the nose. There was a photographer there who graciously took our pictures for an enormous fee, which some of the better bargainers in our group managed to talk down to a more affordable level.

My husband's stronger than your dolphin.

Finally, we all got to swim with the dolphins twice: once by holding on to a fin

and a second time being pushed on the soles of our feet by two dolphins while riding a boogie board.

We also got to feed the manatee.

These guys are into lettuce. Makes you wonder how they maintain their enormous shape.

We headed back to the hotel, where the men went snorkeling in the bay. The building in the background is a restaurant that's part of the hotel. 

At suppertime, we watched some scantily clad men
come in on a boat (sorry for the poor lighting) and

listen to some Mayan music by some very talented musicians. 
Although we got rained on, we had a fun day. The heat isn't bad this time of year, but the heat + humidity is stifling. It felt good to fall into our beds in our air-conditioned room.


  1. Looks like another great day: dolphins and manatees. I envisioned you sitting around a pool sipping virgin margaritas. Looks very fun.

  2. Who hasn't wanted to be those lucky animal trainers at Sea World and swim with the dolphins? You got to do it! Lucky! It looks like it was a blast.
