Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Hailey has informed me a dozen time October is her favorite month and Halloween is her favorite holiday.  I totally believe her, knowing that soon November will be her favorite month, Thanksgiving her favorite holiday, followed by her favorite month December, and Christmas, her favorite holiday.  Hailey has been anxious to do Halloween projects every time we're together.

Our first project involved tie-dying paper towels.

Naturally, we used Halloween colors. This is water with gel food coloring added.

We let them drip dry for awhile,

then hung them up to dry. Fortunately, I just happen to have a tie-dyed paper towel dryer.

Next we cut them into pumpkins and bats. Perfectionist Makayla is not happy I'm making her cut her own pumpkin.

My semi-professional holiday decorators hung them on the front window.

Here they are from the inside

and the outside.

Makayla has been begging to do this craft:

Hailey's ghosts and

and Makayla's ghosts. I'm not sure where Makayla saw this, but she knew just how to do it.

Just make sure to clean your feet afterwards or Grandma will have ghostly footprints to wipe up.

Next we did a craft using popsicle sticks.  This project has taken several days, and the girls have loved it. It involves, counting, cutting, gluing, and tons of paint, all activities the girls delight in.

I have miles and miles of painter's plastic. Scrubbing paint off the counter after our last project suddenly gave me the idea to use some of the plastic to prevent all that work.

Haunted House masterpieces in the making.

After they dried, we glued and glued, then decorated.

We waited for it all to dry, while Hailey graciously agreed
 to make a dent in the brownies and blondies left over from Sunday's Bishop's fireside at our house.

Tah-dah!  Hailey's version and

Makayla's version.

Makayla's back,

Hailey's back.

Hailey being Hailey, felt the need to add some extras:

more paint, faces on the animals, a fence, and a tree.
I love that she likes to make her own mark on her projects.

We have had an absolutely beautiful fall, and plenty of time to enjoy jumping on the trampoline,

and playing in the leaves.

Hailey stuffed her shirt full of leaves and pretended to be a scarecrow.  Amy will appreciate pulling all those leaves off the inside of Hailey's shirt.

Hailey showed up one day with this hand.
She assures me she is getting plenty of Monkey Bar time at school.

If only Hailey was as excited about spelling as she is about math. We went the pet store to look at turtles, and she counted how much cash I had in my wallet ($17), added it in her head to the $35 in her piggy bank, subtracted it from the $65 the turtle cost, and asked if I thought Grandpa could cough up the remaining $13 faster than I could spell "no".

Finally, since we will be gone on Halloween, two little cuties stopped by early to show off costumes.
 See you girls in November!


  1. Those haunted houses are so cute! Where do you get your fun ideas? And I love the ghosty footprints.

    1. I saw the house somewhere on the internet but then couldn't find it again. We were forced to recreate it from my feeble memory.

    2. Pretty amazing memory, if you ask me!

  2. I love "the look." Amazing fun crafts.
