Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Anatomy of a Remodel: Week Ten and Eleven

Notice how I'm showing two or three weeks of remodel at a time? Yeah, it's been sloooowwww going. After a solid week of hard work, we got the leak fixed in our 4plex, re-walled, re-textured, re-painted, and RE-RENTED. I'm always sure we're going to have a hard time getting things rented (it's such an odd time of year for a move), but we had half a dozen quality applications. 
Doesn't it look nice?

Now we're working at the house remodel again. I'm not going to lie, we're really tired of painting.
Stan finished the corner the heat stove was in, complete with molding.

It's so hard to capture paint color on the camera, but here's the kitchen, with its awesomely white ceiling and clean painted walls. We hope to finish painting the walls this week, then on to the molding. Wish us luck!