Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Winter Doldrums

I really don't like this time of year in Montana. By this time of year, I'm tired of snow and cold. I'm tired of winter driving and wind-fried hair.

Most of all, I hate how yesterday it was 69 degrees, encouraging my tulips to grow in inch, and today it's 40 degrees colder and by tomorrow morning my tulips will be buried in snow. 

Yep. I've been hit with Late Winter Despondency. 

Fortunately, I've had plenty of indoor stuff to do while I wait for summer to come and rescue me. We rented the 34 side of the duplex in October to a couple we knew who were building a house. They thought it would take 10-12 months. It only took 5. We've spent the week getting ready for the new renters--they moved in today. Stan is still working on putting in the gas fireplace insert we bought off of Craigslist.

We raised the rent $50, and still everyone who looked at it commented on what a good deal it is and can they be our new renter and live there forever. I guess we should have raised the rent by $500 so people don't secretly think we're nuts for extremely undercharging. 
Our new renters are a family from Washington who have three young kids, and they promised to stay for at least one year, maybe ten.

Hailey, Makayla, and I are feeling a little stir-crazy being stuck inside all the time. I am guaranteed it will be too cold and snowy to go out any day they are spending time with me. 
Makayla always wants me to pull out her "mooster seat" when she comes so she "can see".

Makayla is into pretending. She especially loves to be a cat. Here's "Fluffy", eating her sandwich.

Hailey prefers to eat in a more dignified way.

Makayla likes to pretend to be "the Mommy" and carries this lovely doll everywhere she goes. She insists I whisper so I don't wake her baby, then loudly informs me "She's not a real baby." Does that mean I don't have to do a real whisper? Her baby is always in need of a nap, but is afraid of the dark and has to be put to bed in a well-lit area of the house, which just happens to be the master bedroom.

In other winter projects, today I finished the next quilt top for the next grandchild to be baptized. I used the same quilt-in-a-day pattern, and I was faster this time, but still didn't take a day. I wonder if I get points because of the interruptions to find Hailey crayons and take Makayla to the bathroom and keep her company while she's doing her thing?

This quilt is the same as the last one, except that it has a blue inner border instead of a pink one. I have 10 months till someone turns 8 to quilt it and bind it. Do you think I can get it done?

As I wait out the winter, my head continues to heal. I'm still dizzy from time to time, but less everyday. I have a little nerve damage, meaning I'm numb on my wound side: I feel pressure but no pain and 
I can't raise that eyebrow.

 That means my look of surprise is only half surprised. 
Backmans, are you having triplets? Pearsons, are you moving 6000 miles away? Megan, are you engaged? WHAT?? WINTER IS OVER FOR THE YEAR????
Since I can only look half-shocked, this may be the best time to give me the news!
Don't get excited, everybody! I'm pretty sure most of those are not true!


  1. Oh my goodness! I really, REALLY hope mine is NOT true! Because I wouldn't looked half shocked like you! I'd definitely go into full shock! Glad you are gradually feeling better! Hope you fully recover soon! The quilt is beautiful btw! I think that would take me a year to make and it wouldn't look even half as good!

  2. When I turn 88, will you make me TWO quilts? I love the fabrics--so bright and happy, a nice antidote to your icky weather. I think you need to make one for yourself.
    I kind of like the one-eyebrow look. Very classy!
