Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Me N' Target

I have a troubled history with our Target store. It's a dangerous place. Don't forget, 
 ate my phone last year. However Hailey and Makayla needed some sandals, so I decided I'd be brave and head to my favorite store.
 After all they have these nifty feet-measurers.

As well as thousands of shoe choices, which Makayla lost no time in trying on.

Hailey fell in love with white dress sandals with a 1/2 inch heel. Makayla fell in a heap on the floor when she couldn't find sandals in her size with any amount of heel.

 Somehow we managed to come home with a couple of pairs of sandals each, as well as a few treasures from the dollar bin.

That dollar bin is just full of can't live without items.

We also managed to find a few headbands....

for holding all of that long, flowing, luxurious hair out of our way.

As long as we're shopping it makes sense to whip out my 25% off coupon and get some spring-weight jackets, right?

As I punched in my debit card PIN number, I just couldn't help but marvel at how expensive those sandals were.
Yep, that Target is a dangerous place!!!


  1. Next time we are together, will you take ME to Target?

    1. And deprive you of the joy of emptying out your own bank account on your two cute little granddaughters? I wouldn't think of it!

  2. I agree heartily! A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and is very very dangerous. Check it out if you dare. :-)
