Thursday, August 30, 2012


Megan and I tackled the most important "to-do" on our list this week:
But this isn't it. 

This isn't either.

It's nice to be Megan. She looks adorable in everything she wears.
But this isn't her choice.
 Nope. Not this one. Megan is anti-poofy.

Hmmmm. Are clamps up your back the newest thing? Not this one either.

Nice, but no. I gotta say, after awhile all the dress tended to blend together--except for the dress Megan decided on.

We found an out-of-the-way dress shop. I saw a stunning gown, (not this one, although it's beautiful) and I checked the price tag. Wow! Very reasonable! Then Jessica (who drove down to join us for the fun) ruined it by pointing out I didn't have my glasses on and had missed the 4 in front of the $138. We decided not to even try it on. No point in setting the bar too high. And $4138 is a bit high, even for my baby.

Here's a dress that made it into the top three.

As did this one, which was similar, but simpler.

HOWEVER, the dress Megan ended up choosing was completely unlike any of these beautiful dresses.
 The dress she chose is this one:

Yeah, right. Like I'm going to give you a sneak peak. Check back on Dec. 17th the final reveal.


  1. Wow, it's really WHITE. Nice. (I like #3 and #8.)

  2. I hope she wears more than nothing for her dress. Maybe the rumors I've heard about what goes on in the temple are true?

    1. Ha ha! I think Megan's mom will ensure she wears somewhat more than nothing.
