Monday, November 24, 2014

Anatomy of a Remodel: Week 16

We have dubbed this week "The Week of Painting."

In other news, Stan fixed all of the broken outlets and replaced all of the overhead lights.
This became
this set of unmatched kitchen lights
have been restored to the original matching state, and that cheap white light
has been recycled to replace this broken light in the downstairs bedroom.
We discovered a couple of more interesting un-improvements left by the old renters:
the place the-dog-they-weren't-suppose-to-have tried to scratch through the door from the garage to the house,

and the reason none of the doors in the house will shut. All of the middle hinges are missing, making the doors hang unevenly. Can anyone explain that to me? I keep looking for the cameras, thinking surely we're being punked.
  Stan bought new hinges, put them on, and now all the doors work perfectly.

Our most consuming work of the week was the painting. 

Making sure every line in the old paneling is now completely covered with paint was quite the chore.

That hole in the ceiling was there when we bought the place, but the cover no longer stays in place. We're working on a solution.
We staying late painting till Saturday night because
On Monday the carpet was laid.
This now looks like
 this. I should have taken a close-up of the new carpet, but I didn't think to. It's a carpet with several shades of brown speckles, perfect for hiding spots.
This is looking toward the back wall,

and looking from the back wall toward the front of the room.

Looking into the bedroom from the family room.

and into the family room from the bedroom.
 The downstairs is now officially finished. Upstairs we have closet doors to replace, the back sliding glass door to replace, lots of painting, and some bathroom repairs. I'm hoping we can take the rest of the week off to enjoy Thanksgiving.


  1. Wow, spectacular! I am shocked and amazed at the damage that you continue to find, but I think it makes the finished product that much better.

  2. Take the week off so you can enjoy your favorite daughter coming to town you mean!

  3. Don't rent it out. Open up the Billings Remodel Museum and charge admission fees.
