Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Anatomy of a Remodel: Week 15

This week we made significant progress.  Stan finished dry walling the old brick wall

and he textured it. No more fires in a fireplace that doesn't have the ability to vent to the outside.
 On a side note, Stan and I have caught up on all the BYU devotionals, conference talks, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, and audible books.  Gotta love the modern technology.

This is the fireplace in the upstairs living room. I really like it, I think it adds character to the room. On the other hand, I always felt the downstairs fireplace wall made the room seem dark and old, probably due to that weeping mortar. 

 We've also ordered carpet from Lowes, and Stan ripped out all of the old padding. Lowes came and measured the space for the carpet today, and we hope they can work us in within the next two weeks. I'm just relived Stan's arthritic knees won't allow him to lay the carpet himself. I'm sure the thought has crossed his mind.

 I continue to make note of all of the missing light covers,

all of the broken things,

all of the things needing to be cleaned.

I've almost finished painting downstairs. The color isn't pink--it's more of a taupe-y brown. I just couldn't capture it on the camera.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to the fine craftsmanship of  whoever finished this basement before we bought it. Finally, something to shake my head about that doesn't involve our renters. This is the bedroom, with its perfectly centered light,

and this quality rustic molding along the ceiling, complete with carefully matched seams.
Some things are just not going to get fixed this time around, but I'm certain there will be other opportunities.
(Please ignore the dusty spider webs all over the popcorn ceiling-I'll be getting to that shortly.)


  1. Nice. I'm guessing your repair total is about twice what their deposit was, and that's not counting labor. Looking good!

  2. Nice to listen to spiritual sources to soothe your souls as you contemplate stringing up the former renters from the cover-less light fixtures and insert their fingers into cover-less electrical outlets.

  3. You guys absolutely amaze me. If I decide to move to Montana someday, I want to rent from you!
