Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back to School

Tuesday was the official end of summer for Makayla and Hailey.  Makayla has hammered her palms on the Monkey Bars, so playgrounds are out.

We decided to check out the Western Heritage Museum. This cool building used to be the public library back in the olden days when Grandpa was a kid. You can see the words "Parmly Billings Library" in the sandstone over the door. Parmly was the oldest son of Frederick Billings. Fred donated the money for the library when his son tragically died of pneumonia at the age of 25.

Out front stands Frederick Billings, waiting endlessly for a hug.

Inside are all of the beautiful details you find in structures built in 1901. I got the senior citizen's discount admission price, now that I'm almost as old as this building.

I have not been in this building since my children were elementary age. Wow, was I impressed! In the last two decades, they have turned it into a kid-centered paradise. Hailey dubbed it "awesome". We were the only people in the museum, other than the front desk person.
There are lots of places like this one, where you can sit and listen to a recording of historical events pertinent to Billings.

They've collected little vignettes, using furniture and accessories from little towns all over Montana so you can place yourself in the scene while Grandma tells you about the weird music player on the table

or this odd keyboard-ish thing without a screen.

There are lots of interesting toys to play with.

You know you're in Montana when a buffalo watches you while you play.

They have dress-up sites scattered around, like this one by the old school house.

It may be that not all of the costumes are vintage.

I told the girls these are the exact kind of desk I used in school at their age. Makayla checked to see if I left anything behind.

Hailey was in love with those boots. She really thought she should borrow them for her first day of school. Party-pooper Grandma nixed the idea.

The girls played for a really long time in the school. Makayla made us some lunch
sewed us some clothes,
and both girls practiced riding to school on their horses.
After viewing all of the ancient memorabilia, Makayla came running out of the bathroom, all excited to show me the strange vintage toilet. She wondered if that's the kind I used in the olden days, and said she didn't really like it because it is hard to use. 
Hmm. It's a good thing we are the only people in the museum today.
It didn't show up on the camera, but this room has 
 a zillion twinkling lights with music the girls enjoyed dancing to.

There's also a room about the not in our town story in Billings,
complete with chalkboards to write your own message.

After several happy hours, the single staff person begged invited us to go home so she could too. 
Is it just me, or are these girls getting a little pose-y? When I pull out the camera, they go into "look at me" mode. Geesh, it's like someone takes their picture all the time.

We found an acceptable way to 

celebrate our last day of freedom in style, then it was time to go home to get ready for the next day's
first day of school. Yahoo!
Here is third grade Hailey,

and Kindergartener Makayla.

They wanted a picture of their heavy backpacks.
Makayla's is so heavy she needed to carry some of it in a separate bag.
Good luck, you two! Have a great first day of school!


  1. Wow, a whole museum to yourself! The possibilities! The girls look so cute in their first-day-of-school outfits. Now--enjoy your empty days!

  2. I'd never heard of Frederick Billings before, so I looked him up on Wikipedia. He's got stuff named for him all over the place, particularly in Vermont and including a ship during WWII. The girls look very cute as they gear up for school.

    1. I didn't know that stuff, so I looked him up, too. Interesting that he never owned a home in town.
