Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer's End

As our summer draws to a close,
we've worked on packing all the fun we can into the remaining days.  
We visited the fair,

checking out the baking winners, while (barely) resisting the temptation to sample.

We drove cars,

terrified ourselves and got slightly sick riding the Pharaoh,

twirled on the tilt-a-whirl,

and flung ourselves

into the sky.

We visited the house of oddities,

 although some of the genuine displays were a little hard to believe. Okay, a lot hard to believe.

At some point during our fun, we ran into Grandpa munching on a turkey leg.

We got

our faces painted,

and watched the lemur races.

We even found Mom, who took us on the scary ride.

We wore ourselves out.

We revisited all of our favorite city playgrounds,

and picked all of Grandma's cherry tomatoes at least a dozen times.

Tomatoes make some of us feel like dancing.

We went to the beauty salon

to get a back-to-school trim. Hailey got a whole 2 inches whacked off. She's practically bald now.

We found some new raincoats from Target's closeout,

and went exploring in the rain.

We saved the world, (which is hard work) then we

took a break.

We found some fabulous new rocks for our rock collection.

We practiced our geography skills,

and watched our daily temperatures change from the high 90's to the low 60's.

We went back to Target to go shopping for all of the supplies the school insisted we needed. It cost us $146.39 for two girls. That doesn't include the tissues, box of crackers, and box of band aids we already had. Isn't that crazy? I don't know how families afford to get their kids ready for school.

Hailey's list included 50 sharpened pencils. Fifty. 5-0. I've only used 37 pencils over the course of my entire life. Maybe they're building a ladder to the moon with all those pencils?

We've packed our bags and we're ready to go!
School starts Wednesday: Kindergarten for Makayla, 3rd grade for Hailey.


  1. Harper's list asked for 48 sharpened pencils. Boy that was fun. Each item also asked for a specific brand of the item which wasn't a big deal for Fiskars scissors but none of our local stores carry Prang watercolors and I am convinced that Pink Pearl pencil top erasers do not exist. Last year the list consisted of one item: a $50 donation. That was much nicer.

    1. I love the idea of a donation. The teachers can buy what they want, parents don't have to go on a scavenger hunt for supplies. However, I have a sneaky suspicion the grandkids would miss the hunt.

  2. Way to pack it in, Grandma. I have great respect for anyone who can ride the Tilt-a-Whirl. It is my least favorite ride of all time because it makes me feel so sick. Makayla, cherry tomatoes make me want to dance too. That is an insane amount of school supplies. Don't you think it's kind of pathetic that parents have to provide all that school supply stuff? Do you remember needing anything more than a binder and paper and a few pencils? We saved our allowances and bought it ourselves. Will kindergarten be all day or just half a day?

    1. I've decided making the parents buy supplies is a way of cutting the budget. The list of "needed" supplies gets longer every year. I don't know how parents swing it, especially since you need clothes, shoes, etc, too.

      Kindergarten went to all day a few years ago.

  3. How nice to have a whirlwind of fun before going back to school. I always hated having to go back to school. I think of Billings being a fairly large city, but in many ways it seems like a very small town, the circus with its curious oddities being an example. What a great place to grow up.

  4. What a fun last couple of weeks of summer! But seriously 50 pencils?! I would like to know how many they actually end up using during the school year.
