Thursday, June 19, 2014

Suddenly, It's Spring

For awhile there, we thought spring would miss Montana altogether. But one day the peonies popped into glorious, fragrant flower and we knew winter was really over.

Now that school is out and spring has sprung, we've got time to do important scientific study, such as "What happens to soap when you microwave it?".

A watched pot may never boil, but Ivory (and it has to be Ivory) soap 

grows and grows.

AND leaves your microwave smelling soapy-fresh.

Microwaved Ivory may LOOK like whip cream, but it SMELLS

and FEELS soapy.

Guess who's going to take a bath tonight?

Spring means short pants and skinned knees.

And the Academy Award goes to.......

Spring is time for outdoor adventures

and getting one mile into your two mile walk before sadly realizing you need to go to the bathroom. 

Spring is time for outdoor play,

showing Grandpa how you can now do the Monkey Bars all by yourself,

and hanging out with your sister.

Spring means Grandpa has time to go play with us before it gets dark.

Spring means Father's Day,

and spring is someone's birthday.

Hailey wants "a dog, a dad, and a big house" for her birthday. I found the dog.

Turning eight is a big deal, even bigger than spring. 

 Amy and girls either dressed up for spring, Hailey's birthday,

or they're playing "Fibber"

which makes your nose grow if people catch you in a lie.

Spring is time for spring hailstorms, which punch holes in your rain gutters,
ruins your paint, and destroys your roof, necessitating a new roof for the third time in 7 years. Sigh.

Nevertheless, we'll take Spring anyway we can get her.


  1. I miss peonies, which I don't see often here. Hailey looks like she isn't too good at fibbing, which is good since she is eight and SHOULDN'T be fibbing, right? That looks like a fun game.

  2. Nice that Hailey has a great granddad. We I guess he's really a granddad, but a great one.

  3. Very cool about the soap I have never tried that before.
