Friday, September 13, 2013

Family Fun

We've had a great time with the Pearsons and Butlers this week. We spend a whole day at the soccer fields on Saturday. What could be funner than several hours in the hot sun watching 5 year olds scrambling around, almost kicking the ball sometimes?

Makayla is playing this year

and Hailey's back for more fun.

Brinlee REALLY likes Hailey and Hailey REALLY likes Brinlee.

We've had tons of rain, and the sun on the wet grass made for very uncomfortable, humid heat, but the fans still came out in droves.

Hailey downing some soccer power food.
What a cute little soccer star.

Megan! Here's a peek at your future!  But not yet,

because over the summer, Megan was accepted into BYU-I's nursing program. She will graduate December 2014 with a technical RN, serendipitously the same time David will graduate from his MBA program from ISU.
 Go Nurse Megan!

Did I confess mention we stopped for frozen yogurt on the way home from soccer?
Amy had to work on Sunday for her company's charity drive, and these party animals slept over Saturday night at our house.

On Monday we drove to Red Lodge to take a hike.
It was a perfect hiking day--slightly cool.

We had a hard time seeing the trail. Not.

Dang it! We forgot our skis!

You can see a few spots where the leaves have begun the transformation from summer green to very early autumn less green.

Brinlee calls these glasses "lights"--no one knows why. Maybe she means "darks" but it's opposite day?

Awwhh, our cute newlyweds!

Brinlee was cracking me up, waving enthusiastically at the people walking behind her.

We searched and searched, but didn't see any bears. 

We stopped off at Wild Bill Lake, where Stan learned to scuba dive. Yes, really.

Only in Montana.
On Tuesday, we had a mom/grandma-taught master class in making wheat bread the old-fashioned way (without a mixer).

Let's just say Megan got the hang of it first.

I love this little girl. She's wearing a pair of sale shoes I purchased  that don't quite fit Makayla yet, and she clackety-clacks around the house all day in them, arranging her toys on the steps for us to trip on, and encouraging us to "Sit down, mom", "Sit down, Grandma". She's such a happy soul.

Megan and David left us too soon. They headed back to school on Wednesday.
It was so great to have you visit! Thanks for making our week even funner! We can't wait till next time!


  1. Great get-together. Fun to learn that David and Megan will both be at BYU.

  2. You guys have way too much fun, but I guess you gotta do it to help those hard-working kids make it through the next week/month/semester, right? I'm glad you had the sense to power up with some frozen yogurt. Congrats to Megan on her future nursing career!

  3. Wish I could make something like this happen here in Minnesota!
