Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Quick Visit

Stan needed to go visit clients in Utah. I needed to go visit Backmans in Utah. We decided to travelled together.
Now that we're old and travel sans kids, we can stop anytime we want to. We dropped by Quake Lake, near Ennis, to see what was shakin'.

We enjoyed the fall flowers

and picked up some souvenirs for the grand kids.

Hailey is going to love us.

 We also stopped at Mesa Falls,

the place BYU-I students used to drive to for their formal dances.

The Falls were still working.


When we finally reached them Backman's, Myla was delighted to see us, as long as we didn't look at her or get too close. About the time she actually smiled and let me touch her, we needed to head home. Don't worry Myla, we'll be back to become better acquainted.

Any guesses about what we did on Labor Day?

Here's a clue: this fella is looking for candy-tossing people.

Here's another clue: we saw not one, but TWO marching bagpipe bands,

and royalty.

Yep, we're in Payson for Onion Days.

We made a quick visit to the cemetery.
It's strange to think I've been visiting the Payson Cemetery since I was just a bit older than Krew.

We checked the progress of the Payson temple. It's coming along nicely.

Krew is just a joy to be around. He's such a happy guy.

We also checked out Thanksgiving Point.

 Krew wasted no time getting soaking wet.

We checked out the fish pond and fed the goldfish goldfish crackers.

Does that qualify as cannibalism?

 There are so many things to see at Thanksgiving Point.

There are so many places to splash around.

Krew got wet coming in AND going out. 

Krew kept us laughing all day long. I always love seeing how much he loves and admires his dad.

We spent some quality shopping time in the outlet mall near Jessica's house.

Krew wanted to take home this bear,

 but settled on an apple instead.
We were lucky enough to see Krew off on his first day of preschool.

What a wonderful family!

After far too little time with the Backmans, we headed to Jackson to visit a client. The tourists acted as if they'd never seen a buffalo. There were cars backed up for miles, checking out the hairy beasts.

Stan had an appointment to meet. I pulled around the cars and slowly made my way through the herd.

I few of them growled, huffed, or snorted at me, but they eventually let us through.

Stan was kind enough to drop me off in downtown Jackson, Wyoming, where I trod the extremely hot streets for several hours while Stan visited the air conditioned 4.5 million dollar home of his client.

I was forced to keep myself busy by eating and shopping, not necessarily in that order. Excuse me for whining, but believe me when I tell you Wyoming gelato is definitely not the same stuff I had in Europe. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't gelato.
 I spend a glorious air conditioned one hour in Ripley's Believe It Or Not,

where a short film informed me only 1 in 1000 people can roll their tongue this way. That would be me, 2 or 3 of my children, and a few other people in the world.

We drove late into the night in pouring rain darkness (the better to keep elk, moose, deer, and antelope off the road) to get home and find this lovely welcoming face waiting for us. Yipee! More adorable, loveable grand kids! My goodness, this girl is talking up a storm these days!


  1. What a fun trip. Nothing like a drive with the hubby and only the hubby, right? Looks like you handled them buffalo quite well thar. Well done.

  2. P.S. I'm jealous that you got to go to the Payson parade. It's been at least three decades since I've done that. :(

  3. If you'd driven a little faster and a little more wildly through the buffalo herd you could have had some wonderful food - much better than that horrible looking gelato. Looks like a great trip!

  4. It was so fun to have you down here! Wish it could have been longer! I'm so glad I got to experience Onion days, it will have to be a new tradition. I feel so privileged that I'm one of those 1 in 1000 tongue folders!
