Monday, August 12, 2013

Back To School

I realized this morning as I surveyed my front garden that summer is starting its final push to fall.
 It's looking a bit like Little Shop of Horrors out there.

That could only mean one thing: it's back to school time!
Imagine how lost I feel at this time of year.
I figure I started back to school shopping in 1983 and finished in 2010.  That's 27 years of nonstop back to schoolness. My car practically drives itself to the mall this time of year. Now I'm sure any one of my children would volunteer to let me take them back to school shopping, but fortunately, I've got Hailey and Makayla to keep my kids from making that sacrifice.

We met Amy after work and headed to the shoe department. So many choices!

Hailey went for pink. Yep, totally predictable.

Hailey took a trip around the shoe department to make sure everything felt right.

Makayla settled on purple. Yep, also totally predictable.

How odd. There are Barbies up by the cashier, just in case you were going to forget you need a new Barbie to go with your new shoes. I put it on Makayla's birthday want list.

Hailey and Makayla demonstrating their window mannequin display skills.
This being Montana, we also found some boots for the three feet of snow that will no doubt fall for the first day of school. Girls, I don't think you can really get the full effect of those spiffy boots if your noses are pressed up against the mirror.
The good thing about shopping this time of year is that everything's on sale.

Even accessories.
We also spent some time looking for new glasses for Hailey. Her old ones mysteriously disappeared earlier this summer. She didn't settle on a new pair yet.
While Hailey and Amy shopped for frames, Makayla took me to jewelry to show me "The neck-a-less I'm going go wear at my wedding. For reals."

Nice! And if the wedding is soon, she has some new purple shoes that match perfectly!
We ended the day waiting for Amy to grab some milk. Thanks for letting me tag along on your shopping expedition, girls!


  1. I like that makayla already has a nice butterfly necklace picked out for her wedding... she might change her mind on that.

    I volunteer to do back to school shopping any time of the year!

    1. Wow,so nice of you to volunteer! I did not see that coming!

  2. Hey, I'm going back to school next week. If you want to shop for ME, that would be just fine!

  3. Some nice pink and purple hair to match the shoes might be another activity you can do before school starts.
