Saturday, August 18, 2012

Megan's New Ride

 This week the fair is in town. For only 3.7 million dollars each, Grandma can buy you a wristband that lets you on any ride you want, as much as you want.

 We spent the next 5 hours trying to get our money's worth out of those wristbands.

Our next ride was exactly like the Johnny Jump Up my kids used to love.

 You could ride it once with the wristband, then it was $7 a pop. 
Yeah, the girls only got to ride it once.

You've got to be a little worried when you have to be
 strapped, buckled, snapped, and tied into the ride.

The ride flings you into the air when you push off of the ground.

Too bad I got rid of our Johnny Jump Up.

 You know you're tough when you can ride without holding on.

Here's Hailey coming out of the fun house....

....then going back to rescue Makayla who was screaming, "I'm too scared!!"

What a good big sister!

Somehow, this wasn't scary. The girls did this one bunches of times.

Stan stopped by and caught me sneaking onto the carousel.

Amy, I know this will surprise you, but your girls would like to take this cute little pony home. They are sure he will fit into their closet.

More "look Grandma, no hands".

The fair isn't complete 

 without listening to a bible story while getting your face painted.

This was the girls' hands down, no question, favorite "ride". No moving parts. It consists of a short stairway and short slide with a colorful surrounding structure playing music so loud my ears are still ringing. I believe they "rode" it 994 times.

Finally it was time to go home. Good Golly Miss Molly, who would buy that year's supply of cotton candy AND ice cream cones???? 
Oh yeah, it was me.
 Excuse the camera strap. 

Wait--wasn't this post suppose to be about MEGAN'S new ride?

Ta-Dah!!!! Megan got a fabulous deal on this 2001 Malibu. She found it on Craig's List and she and Stan drove to Laurel to check it out and bought it on the spot.

And don't make any jokes using the term "Malibu Meggie". Megan won't laugh.


  1. Those two little girls get more beautiful every day. You have some gorgeous shots of them. What FUN at the fair!
    And congrats to Malibu Meggie. Nice.
