Monday, September 1, 2014

Anatomy of a Remodeled Rental: Week Four

Remember how we were going to have this property done and rented by September 1?
That was a cockeyed optimist's goal. At this point I'll be happy if we're done by October 1.
In our defense, we've recently been bombarded by church work. Who knew bishop-ness was so intense? Yay, we did. We've not been disappointed.
This week Stan got the tub surround underway. Note the carefully round-cut tiles for the faucet and handle. Stan did that.

Oh look! Bishop Jones is growing a mustache! Or.....
he got a little sloppy with the grout.

 My contribution is to cover everything in Kilz. The paint store recommended oil-based to further insure the smoke smell disappeared. It's either working, or I'm so high on paint fumes I can't tell.
Here's that charming bright blue paint before...
and after. The floors and ceilings still need a layer. Will my painter's elbow co-operate? Stay tuned!


  1. I think the bishop thing is working. The bishop definitely has a halo.

  2. If it were me, I think I'd say, "Hey, it looks move-in ready to me." Good luck with continued progress! Too bad it's so slow. Could the Bishop arrange a service project at the house???
