Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March 2016

After that fabulous, but much too short visit to Portland the first week of March,

I returned to my other life.

You haven't lived unless you've listened to a recorder concert lately.

The music teacher enhanced our enjoyment by making sure these kids played all 26 songs they had learned. And then she had them play a few of them twice. Remind me to write her a thank you note. 

Here's a picture I have no explanation for, other than Makayla is adorable. And she has a blue mystery object on top of her head. I must have still been in a recorder music coma when I took this picture, cause I have no idea what that blue thing is.

Hailey and Makayla were thoughtful enough to dye a bunch of eggs

which we promised never to eat. Shh! Don't tell but we took them on a little road trip with us the next day.

We drove over to Boise.

Stan's best friend from childhood, Alan Gergen, was sealed to his wife, Juneanne in the Boise temple.

We had way too much fun together.

We had a beautiful, nearly snow-free drive to Boise and back.

Our favorite gang of elk were wandering around. A gang--isn't that a grand name for a group of animals?

The drive through Idaho is always interesting.

We managed to hit Nielsen's Frozen Custard coming AND going. I've had serious and unpleasant withdrawals now that I don't have anyone to visit in Rexburg.

Hailey had a couple of dental visits this month. Hailey's greatest anxiety in life is the dentist. I took her the first time, Amy the second. I did at least three weeks' worth of serious cardio exercise holding her down and talking her though it while the dentist removed two baby teeth that refused to be pushed out of the way by her completely grown-in permanent teeth. 

The second visit was for a cavity, and they tranquilized Hailey into near oblivion for Amy, then I picked her up and took her back to school. Next time I get the second appointment duty.

The school called about fifteen minutes after I dropped her off to say she couldn't stay awake. 
It seems the dental tranquilizer really, really, works. She spent the rest of the day with me doing various levels of this:

About the time school was over, Hailey finally regained consciousness. Hmm. I wonder how that timing happened?

She is currently having a "green machine" obsession.

Our most significant family event of the month was Grandpa's birthday.

We put together some food 

invited some old friends (including McKay's grandparents on the bench),

and partied!

There were quite a few well-wishers, including family and friends,

  the sister and sister-in-laws,

the brothers and brother-in-law,

the kids,

the original Joneses,

and all the rest. Happy birthday, Dad! Here's to 90 more!


  1. Ice Cubes! Did you buy the whole box? Who knows when you'll run into them again? I must say, I think the 90th birthday party looks like it was a lot more fun that the party at the dentist's.

  2. Happy birthday Grandpa! Glad you guys partied, wish I could have been there.

  3. I read "Grandpa's Birthday" and saw the cake for 90 and immediately thought, Trash can't be that old! I finally figured it out, but it did give me a start. I'm so happy you got to hear the whole arsenal of recorder songs. I think that is what they played to bring down the walls of Jericho. It is good they were not walking around in circles when they played. The elk are a treat - even more so than the ice cubes. Fun to have the update!
