Sunday, November 18, 2012

One Last Time

I truly intend to finish posting all of my pictures from Europe, 
but I've been waylaid by so many other things.

Stan and I decided we were done with our living room carpet. We got the carpet shortly before we got that (@##%$#) dog who insisted on dragging food into the living room to eat. She's been gone for years, but her stains have lived on.

Here's how it looks after it has been professionally cleaned.
You can practically see dog tracks on it.

I tied up two precious days with a couple of the most talkative carpet installers ever. But I love my new, spotless carpet. I know. It won't be spotless forever, but it is now!

We also did the steps and hall. 
Despite all the chaos of the carpet guys....
I hope the painting fairy visits me and paints along the stairs the where the new carpet exposes old paint colors.

....I managed to find the time to finish piecing baby Backman's quilt while chatting. I may even get it quilted and binding sewn on before Jordica's (Jessiden's?) arrival. 
Megan won't notice if I'm stitching binding on during her reception, right?

Winter arrived full-force a few weeks ago in Montana, meaning I got to finally wear the scarf I purchased in Europe. Of course, I had to take the time to shop for a coat that matched it.

Speaking of shopping, I've visited every store in town three times and shopped online at every clothing seller in the universe, trying to find an appropriate mother-of-the-bride dress. Who let Megan choose the colors??? I've order dozens of dress, only to return them because they are too short, too blue, too green, too tight, too loose, too, well..... too. Here's the pile going back tomorrow. After all this work, I'm still not completely sure what I'm wearing, but at least I definitely know what I'm not wearing.

Of course, life just isn't complete without plenty of time spent with my favorite in-town grandkids.

In between all of that carpeting, sewing, shopping, returning, and grandma-ing, I've written out 49,130 wedding invitations. I think. I haven't actually counted them. I finished them today. You know what that means, don't you?
Wahoo! I've addressed my last wedding invitation, ever, ever!!!!
Unless of course, I forgot yours. If I did, please shoot me an email and I'll take care of it.


  1. At first I read that tiny last line as "please shoot me." That might be appropriate too, right? Working my way UP the blog instead of down, that scarf is gorgeous. Nice color choices. Could you just get a beige dress and wear THAT to the reception? The carpet looks great. What magic words did you use to convince Stan to make the change? And finally, watch your language. This should be a G-rated blog.

    1. Stan was surprisingly easy to talk into new carpet. It was that bad. The pictures just don't do it justice. And if you knew my dog, you'd swear too.

  2. I like the new tower you got along with your carpet - although the tower doesn't look so new, just new to your house - perhaps in the back yard?

  3. Love the blanket Mom! I hope you don't feel too much pressure to get it done, I know you have all the time in the world and everything! And I love your carpet. It's hard to believe it was time to replace it because I still remember the orange carpet we had. I guess I'm getting old?! But I'm sure Mikki did add several years to it! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

  4. Carpet looks great! I clearly remember when we got that carpet. I didn't realize it was before we got mikki though. And I too remember that beautiful orange carpet! I also have many dresses to return, but not quiet as large as yours! Can't wait to see you : )
