Thursday, September 13, 2012

The No Good Very Bad Week

Monday was Makayla's first day of preschool. Excuse the super-sized backpack. Everything looks big on tiny little Makayla.

The bus driver got confused about where he was dropping Makayla off. After trying her apartment and finding no one home, he took her back to pre-school and I got to drive down and rescue her.
We got home just in time for my anti-cranky afternoon siesta.
Me: Makayla, wouldn't a nap be fun?
Makayla: Nope. It messes up my hair and I will have a bad dream about monsters with red eyes. Red eyes are bad.
Me: I did NOT know that....

On Tuesday, Amy became deathly ill. A trip to the Urgent Care resulted in a diagnosis of strep throat. Very tricky, since Amy doesn't have tonsils. She's also never had strep throat. I've had it 2301 times. They hooked her up to a morphine drip and sent her home. Later in the day I asked her about the antibiotics she was taking and discovered that she wasn't. Yep, turns out the hospital was going to give her a penicillin shot and forgot. Amy, with her morphine addled brain, didn't think to question the lack of antibiotics. I drove her back down to the hospital and Amy got that shot. Good to know when you're dying of strep in Billings, they will remember to drug you up with morphine but forget the cure.

 On Wednesday, Makayla got this nasty scrap on her head. She told me she ran into the counter at home. She told Amy I shut her in the car door. Amy and I agree it happened at school. I'm really thrilled she's spreading that story about me and the car door around. I was beginning to feel a little too competent in my life.

On Thursday, I decided something needed to be done about Hailey's finger. She thought she got a sliver last Saturday while helping Grandpa clean up some wood. Each day it got more swollen, more sore, and more infected. At least I think it was. Hailey has such extreme anxiety issues about owies, I really had a hard time getting a good look at it. 
Amy was still sicker than a dog, so Stan and I took Hailey to Urgent Care.

There at Urgent Care we got to hold Hailey down while the doctor removed the blister on her finger and cleaned her infection out. She screamed so loud my ears are still ringing. Diagnosis: cellulitis, Now I know what you're thinking: "Isn't that the dimply fat on thighs women are so fond of?" Nope. That's cellulite. Cellulitis is an infection caused by staph or strep. It can be very serious.

Hailey gets to soak her finger in warm water several times a day and gulp antibiotics. She gets special antibiotics since she's allergic to amoxicillin.

I really really really hope next week is a better week.


  1. Not a fun week. I hope things turn around and get better.

  2. It's a good thing Grandma Chris is around to take care of everyone. I hope SHE stays well because if she doesn't, the world will have to stop turning!
    P.S. Pretty flowers on your table.

  3. Next week has to be better! (That finger is scary.)
