Sunday, September 9, 2012

Move On Megan

This week I had a twice in a lifetime experience. I took an Unmarried Sophomore Child back to school. It's been 15 years since I helped Scott move to Utah for his sophomore year. In between Scott and Megan, I only transported unmarried freshman. Really, that's not surprising since Stan and I are quite sure Scott and Megan are secretly identical twins.

Amazingly, we managed to get everything into my little car and Megan's new car.

These suck-all-the-air-out bags are great for saving space.

Megan is moving into brand new apartments called
"The Willows". When we passed through Rexburg a few weeks ago on our way to Utah, they were not even close to being done. I was pretty sure Megan would be living on the street.

The good news is that The Willows is right next door to my favorite Rexburg frozen dairy suppler.

We were relieved to find The Willows all done when we arrived, other than the parking lot and desk chairs, scheduled to be here Monday. 
Here is the cute living room with the nice wall TV.  Remember those dorm days of yesteryear when you had to go to the basement and crowd around a 13" black and white TV with 300 other girls to catch your favorite show? Yeah, those days are long gone. No wonder I never watched TV in college. I'm still the only person in American who hasn't seen Roots, which came out when I was a Freshman.

This apartment has leather couches, an adorable red lounge chair, granite counter tops, and cute matchy-matchy everything. You know- totally the opposite of the average household.

This is the view of the kitchen, looking down the hallway from Megan's bedroom, complete with ice maker, vacuum, microwave, and dishwasher. It's hard to be a college student these days.

Megan's spacious bedroom.

 Megan's vast closet. It's about the size of a very small telephone booth. Seriously, why don't they make the closets bigger? No female I know would find this closet adequate! Somehow Megan managed to get all of her stuff into this space. I was so amazed I forgot to take a "prove it" picture.

This is a three bedroom, six girl apartment. There are two bathroom double sink counter tops in the hallway

and two bath/toilet rooms.

Here's Megs, all moved in. Her roommate from Missouri is also engaged, although her fiance is in Rexburg, as opposed to Texas Intern David.

I felt a bit sad leaving Long Distance Fiance Megan behind, although she claims she doesn't want me to be her roommate. She probably is just saying that to make it easier for me to leave. I'm sobbing in my Kleenex, knowing I never again get to haul someone to college. Okay, that last thing is a lie.
Have a good semester, Megan! We miss you already!

1 comment:

  1. That is an amazing apartment. I'm pretty sure that kitchen is nicer than mine. But yeah, I'd give up a LOT of that living space for a bigger closet. Chris, maybe you could coax Megan and David to let you help them move into their new apartment, wherever it may be. (Texas?)
