Thursday, November 17, 2011

Problem Solving 101

We've had a few problems to solve around here recently.

1. I'm becoming too accustomed to peaceful, quiet, and uneventful car rides.
Solution: Makayla
As soon as I pick Makayla up from Head Start, she chatters nonstop for the next hour or so, telling me all kinds of useful information she's been hanging on to since last I saw her.

Our car ride home always includes directions to Another Grandma's house ("that way!")

as well as the location of my house ("ober there!').

I taught her that little ditty about "Red means stop,

green means go..."

Blurry picture, due to the fact I was "going".

Now as I punch on the gas to slip through the changing light, Makayla shrieks from the back seat 'No Grandma, lello means wait even late!!" It's a bit unnerving. Goodbye peaceful and uneventful car rides.

2. Since discovering and free library downloads, my library attendance has fallen by the wayside.
Solution: Makayla and Hailey don't seem to enjoy audio books about
World War II as much as I do. They like old-fashioned books from the old-fashioned library.
I try to read to the girls every time they're over, and they seem to enjoy it almost as much as returning the library books,

picking new books,

and generally exploring the library on a regular basis. Problem solved.

When I was a child, our library allowed us to check 3 books out at a time. Judy and I got "special permission" to get 6 or7 books at a time since we were such regulars. Our library allows me to check out 50 books at a time. I generally don't get quite that many.

3. Going to the mall means I have to carry around my purse. Way too much effort.
Solution: Renting a Makayla/purse holder

4. My favorite black shoes cracked last winter when I used them to walk out to the mailbox on an especially cold day. I wore them all summer, but the feeling of melting snow coming through the crack of my shoe is unpleasant. But how will I find new shoes without my daughters giving me options on what is cool and what is not???
Solution: Taking my Makayla/purse holder to the shoe store and urging Makayla to find me the perfect replacement shoe.

Makayla enthusiastically suggested one of these beauties. Hmmm.

I settled on this plain-Jane shoe--it was on sale.

5. Cold dry air + Makayla's hair makeover leaves her with a perpetual bedhead.

Solution: We haven't found one yet

and Makayla doesn't seem to mind.

6. My purse is always full of change, which makes too much noise when I dig through my purse looking for a pen.
Solution: Makayla has discovered these change-eating machines in the mall.

AND they play classical music like the William Tell Overture

AND they make useful bribes as in "One more store, Makayla, then we'll visit the overpriced, change-eating, 30 second kiddie rides."

7. Amy is having a hard time deciding what to buy her girls for Christmas.
Solution: I know! I know!

The girls and I made a visit to Pet Smart. Makayla wants 3 parakeets.

Both the girls would like the black and white version of "whatever those are".

Hailey demonstrated the way the hamster in this cage was sleeping,

then she asked for the black hamsters. Makayla would like the brown one with the white spot.

They thought any of the cats would be fine, although the puppy someone walked by with sent them both screaming and running in terror.

But Hailey and Makayla felt like it may be a good idea to pick up some dog toys in case they change their minds.

Pet Smart does have a few dog toys to choose from.

The girls would like the cat post thing-y with two platforms--one for Hailey's cat and one for Makayla's cat.

So there you are, Amy, that's what your girls are putting on their Christmas list this year.
You're welcome!


  1. Never a dull moment with Chris and the girls. Thanks for sharing your wonderful sense of humor!

  2. See, that's yet another difference between mom and grandma... I bribe AJ with the rides in the front of the grocery store, but the bribe is for the actual privilege of sitting on it. I don't put any money in. He sways back and forth and makes his own noises. I have known Nana to put in a quarter here and there, but he knows better than to ask me. :-)
