Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cutting Edge

When Jessica was between the ages of 2 and 5, she had an uncontrollable need to cut off her bangs.
Jessica, age 3 with Amy, age 5

As soon as her bangs grew to be 1/4 an inch or more, she'd snip them off again. We did everything we could to hide the scissors, but Jessica seemed to always be able to find some, and her stub of bangs would get even stubbier. It was embarrassing, and to be honest, not really attractive.
Jessica, age 4

Then, when Ashley was 5 and Megan was 3, Megan cut a big handful of hair off of the side of Ashley's head while she slept. Here's Ashley nearly a year later, still sporting that asymmetrical  hairdo. Ashley was her typical good sport about her unusual do, but I always cringed just a little when I did her hair in the morning. I think she was 14 before her hair was even again
 Ashley, age 6

 When Shelly went to college, she and I communicated through email. It wasn't unusual to open my email in the morning, only to see an email from Shelly that came in around 2 am. They almost always began "So, I cut my hair just now" or "I just cut my bangs again". Seriously, after the 23rd email like that, I wondered if she had any hair left to cut.
 Shelly, age 17

 This morning I got a teary call from Amy, ironically my only daughter without a wacky self-haircut history. Seems Hailey decided to give Makayla a new do.  They came by to show me. It was so awful, I had to laugh. I'm sorry, Amy, I tried hard not to giggle, but I promise someday you'll think it's funny too!

Poor Makayla finally, after 3 years of growing, actually had hair. Now she has been knocked back to 2009 by Hailey's snips. It's hard to capture how funny/awful Makayla's new hairdo is. The camera adds ten pounds of hair. She looked like a recovering cancer victim.

 We took her to the professionals

 who tried to even things out and make Makayla look less punky. You can see how chopped up the back of her hair is in this picture.

These little wisps of Makayla's hair on the beauty shop floor made me a bit sad.

 Just to be fair, Hailey also took a little off the top of her own hairdo.

Somehow, I don't think anyone will notice.

Makayla is just as happy with her new do as she was with her old.
 Hailey, if you want to live to see six, I suggest you close your beauty shop for a couple of decades.....


  1. Ha ha poor ha Makayla ha so sad ha! oh my word. I'm sorry but it's just too funny. especially how ok makayla seems to be with it all. Reminds me of myself with megan cutting my hair!

  2. Rachael just went through this with her girls. (And Rachael never cut her own hair either.) First Savannah took some substantial chunks out of the back of Ella's hair, then a week later she cut about a foot of hair off the side of her own head. She has nice, short hair now, and actually everyone is happier!
    Makayla looks absolutely darling in that last picture. Hailey looks, um, penitent. Yeah.

  3. P.S. I love that very first picture where Amy looks like she is thinking, "Can you BELIEVE this girl? Who would cut her hair like that?"

  4. Oh no!! I hope Hailey or Makayla don't continue and take after me! Poor Makayla! Right as her hair started to grow!!
    PS. Sorry for putting you through that when I was younger! That's horrible!
