Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring is Sprunging

After a March full of snow,
and more snow,

and yet more (a record 101" this snow season) snow,

Spring appears to be making its way
 to Montana. Of course, that doesn't mean we won't get another 8 or 9 snowstorms before summer.
It's a good thing spring is in the air. Grandma is running out of "projects".

In the last two weeks, we pulled out the coffee filters, made a circle with a single color,

and set the tip of it in a cup of water.

 The color seeps through the filter, separating into colors in a process called "chromatography", thank you pinterest.

We learned the black had the most colors in it.

Here's Helpful Hailey, explaining chromatography to Makayla.
A few pipe cleaners later and voila!

We painted birdhouses and bird feeders for those birds

we know will be arriving back from their winter vacation soon.

Makayla's house, on the right, has a sun on the roof. It's been so cotton-pickin' long since we've seen the sun, we forgot what it looks like.

Painting is the thing Hailey and Makayla like to do best, so I found these paintable faux eggs at Walmart

and we set up

and painted away.

These eggs have so much paint on them, we had to set them aside to dry for a few days.
We pulled out the Easter stuff.

Poor Makayla was having an unhappy day. Grandma was out of fresh mangoes, and there was NOTHING! else worth eating in the house.

 Fake nest + pretend chick + phony phlowers.

Real girl.

We played some fiercely competitive "Let's Go Fishing"

and made some pictures with stencils

and Grandma's extra special colored pencils.
Along the way, Stan and I did our own painting

and painting

and painting, then found renters for the third unit. One more to go.
Finally, we celebrated Grandpa's 88th birthday.
Phew! It won't be long before summer is here and we can add outdoor chores to our list of to-dos. Yay?


  1. Your bag of craft tricks is incredible.

    One of the things about living in a cold, snowy area, is that spring becomes a magical time of year. I enjoy spring in California, but it was always so much more appreciated in Utah. I can't even imagine what it will be like this year when the grass turns green and all of the snow is gone. You will deserve the break.

    1. Good point, Bob. I do love the way winter turns to spring. I'd probably miss that (most of the time) in California.

  2. I want to come over for a craft day. Lucky girls to have a grandma like you.

  3. We're expecting a grandchildren visit in June. I will be calling you for ideas....
    (How many rental units???)
