Thursday, January 23, 2014


January in Montana is a month for staying indoors, finding inside things to do. We spent much of the month "doing projects"-Hailey's and Makayla's term for kitchen counter arts and/or cooking. Clearly, we are doing projects this day---Makayla always sends her tongue into action when we do projects.

We're making snowmen faces made with tongue depressors, paint, orange craft foam, buttons, eyes, and 19,039 pints of glue.

Hailey's version included a leaf from a houseplant.

Now that we're in the mood for snowmen,

we searched the cupboards for supplies

cause everyone has snowman-shaped peanut butter cookies and white chocolate
in their cupboards, right?

It's a good thing the white chocolate sets up fast, cause we can eat them as fast as we make them.

Hailey has been asking me for boxes and tubes. Curious to see what was in her creative mind, I dug out supplies. I hope you're all impressed I have a collection of empty toilet paper tubes for just such a day.

Hailey has been wanting a dog so much lately, but neither Mom nor Grandma has been accommodating.

That doesn't stop Hailey. She made her own dog.

Her name is "Poppy" and she has her own house and toilet paper tube bone. 

This week we fed the missionaries....

...Chicken Enchiladas, using Jessica's recipe.. The missionaries loved them. They want us to feed them again soon.

We got and gave lots of Grandpa hugs.

We played with modeling clay when....

....Hailey had another brilliant idea.

She made a volcano, using vinegar and baking soda.

It was pretty exciting to watch it blow.

And like most of Hailey's brilliant ideas, it was pretty messy,

but lots of fun.
We went to the buy-one-get-one-free sale at Shoe Carnival and found new boots to replace the worn out boots.

We visited our brand new library and....

...threw some coins in to the wishing pool (Hailey would like a house, a dog, and a dad if anyone wants to make her wishes come true)....
Excuse the weird distortion in this picture--it's from my uncooperative cell phone.

.....tried out the new library toys......

....and picked out a stack of library books.
 We're looking forward to the end of cold, windy, snowy weather and new outside activities.


  1. Shouldn't a dog made out of toilet paper rolls be named "Poopy" insteady of "Poppy"? Just sayin'. Love your table centerpiece.

    1. That made me laugh out loud, but forgive me if I don't pass the name change on to Hailey.

  2. I like Hailey's wishes. The toilet paper rolls just confirm that the best toys are usually not the expensive ones from Toys R' Us.

  3. Yay! I'm glad you liked the enchiladas! It's one of our favorites. I read that you got a new library, looks pretty impressive. I also like Hailey's wishes. By the way, I don't believe there's a better Grandma alive! I wish I could come over for all the fun activities you do.
