Friday, December 13, 2013

Twas Two Weeks Before Christmas

Have you noticed how Christmas is coming this year at lightening speed?
This week we got out the applesauce and cinnamon

mixed it together,

while be-bopping to Christmas Carols.

We rolled it out

and cut it out,

using traditional shapes like Easter chicks  partridges

and stars.

We punched hanging holes with a straw

and baked for 2 hours.

Two hours put us past our bedtime so

the next day we strung them with 

red ribbon and

 decorated our wreathe
and ourselves.

Because it's such a Christmas-y thing to do, I took Hailey to the dentist this week.
Hailey + fillings=high anxiety. She ended up needing a strong dose of laughing gas to keep her in the chair. Ho! Ho! Ho!

We are spending a million hours painting a recently vacated rental

shampooing carpets

spray painting bronze ceiling vents white to better blend with the lovely popcorn ceiling

sanding and repainting kitchen cabinets

painting the bathroom and replacing the disgusting glass bathtub door with a curtain

 painting bedrooms

painting closets

putting up shelves and painting laundry rooms

and painting, painting, painting.

We went to Hailey's school program,

and admired how Hailey chose to wear her bright, clompy snow boots instead of her black fashion boots.
 I'm glad kids still sing Christmas songs.

 We got to do it all again another day and enjoy Makayla's preschool Christmas singing.

 This is a song about how at Christmas time, the dads sleep and

and the grandmas hug. Sounds about right.

Makayla was just a leeeetle excited about giving Amy the gift she'd made.

We've been reading 300 Christmas books

and practicing our "I've been good" faces

Do you think Santa will fall for these faces?

 We've eaten plenty of Christmas sugar (but not in the living room!!!)

We spent an evening at Great Grandpa's, putting up decorations for the coming traditional 23rd party.

Some of us spent time organizing the doll house tucked into the landing. Great Grandma would love knowing her doll house is still being enjoyed.

Stan and I spent a morning with the Rotary club, putting together 200 holiday food bags for needy families.

I haven't even had time to mention all of the activities going on in the single's ward
we are now a part of but....

We are trying to notice the beautiful sunsets

and working to ignore the continuous blankets of snow.
Next week is bound to be slower, right? RIGHT?


  1. YES, I am SURE Santa will fall for those two cute faces. I think he'll probably be impressed by all that you are doing too.

  2. Love your sunset picture. Fun cookie idea. The girls just keep getting cuter. Then you had to throw in Trash. Actually, it is nice to see Trash on occasion.

  3. Wow those girls are getting so big. Mckayla looks especially grown up to me! You and Dad have been working so hard on the rentals...can I move in?! I completely forgot about that doll house on the stair landing! So cool that it can still be enjoyed.
