Saturday, May 18, 2013

Good-bye And Hello!

This is Makayla's last week ever, ever at Head Start. Although she is not going to Kindergarten in the fall, she has done two years at Head Start, and that's all you get!! Makayla's birthday is September 6th and the school deadline is September 10th, so technically, she COULD go to Kindergarten. She is certainly smart enough. She knows her colors, can count to a zillion, write her name, and read simple books. HOWEVER, Makayla still can't get her pronouns right (no her can't!) and she is generally very young for her, well--very young age. She's going to a different preschool in the fall.

On Wednesday, she had her end of year school program.

No one ever says, "Hmm. I wonder what Makayla is feeling." Nope. Makayla is pretty adept at letting you know. 

Most of my pictures from the day look like this- a blurry ball of wiggling enthusiasm.

Here she is-getting that all-important diploma from Teacher Dana. 

Makayla was so excited, she even managed to down some celebratory cake--and didn't even notice it wasn't cantaloupe or tomato flavored.

There's Momma!

One of their last projects was to make a poster about their family. Recognize the pictures? I donated several Friends magazines to the cause. Not to mention how Megan got married so that Makayla had a cute picture of her family in matchy clothes.

Remember how Stan sneaked moved out of this building in the middle of the night two years ago? Well, he's moved right back in. This time he moved during daytime hours. 

Yep, Stan's office has moved back to the First Interstate Building, a mere one floor below his old firm-that-shall-not-be-named office. His office is expanding--new brokers are coming, and they need a bigger space. 
This will be great!! He can run into all of his favorite old firm-that-shall-not-be-named people on the elevator again!  That won't be weird, right??

The office is so new they haven't had time to vacuum the carpet underneath the new office sign.

I'm assuming at some point these pictures will be on the walls and clients will be in the chairs.

This is the office Stan wanted, but there's apparently a bigger fish that will shortly be occupying it.

Here's the office Stan gets. He still has great views, just right for watching storms blow in. Stan's current office has two brokers and a secretary. They will shortly have 3 more brokers. Happy moving and growing, Stan! 


  1. Congrats, Makayla! Way to go!
    Hey, I know the solution to that little elevator problem. Stan should take the stairs! It doesn't look like he is that many flights above ground--maybe only 14 or 15. Stanton, think what great exercise that would be! So what if you smell sweaty when you meet with clients?

  2. So proud of you Makayla! And so proud of dad too!

  3. That is crazy Dad moved backed into the same building! Who would have thought he would be right back where he was (well almost)

