Thursday, January 19, 2012

In Over Our Heads And Making Progress

Last night Stan was suppose to be at the temple with the youth, but they cancelled due to the 10 feet of snow and -50 degree weather we've been enjoying.

That is good news for our little project because suddenly, Stan had an unexpected free evening to finish drywalling over the old lights

and touching up a few spots

 and still leaving me enough time to clean-up. I don't care how much protective plastic you put down, there will still be dust, spackling, and popcorn ceiling everywhere.  I spent hours filling garbage bag after bag with tons of heavy remodel garbage just in time for

 the grandkids to come. Makayla asked as I was getting her out of the car "Is your house still crazy?" Actually, I managed to uncrazy most of it

 and Makayla helped me clean up the rest, scrubbing dust and spackle off of the windows.

 Makayla got a tiny water spot on her pants while spraying water on the windows, and of course, being Makayla, wanted them washed, dried, and pressed.

 After we picked up Hailey from school, she was equally eager to help wash windows.

How is it that kids are so excited to clean things (especially if it involves spraying something), and so reluctant just a few years later to pitch in?

All of that spraying and scrubbing wore us out.  Just a quick nap, then

 eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow I paint!


  1. Looking GOOD. Do you know we have that mirror that is over your couch in our bedroom? Such good taste you have.

  2. You guys never cease to amaze me.

    That sassy picture of Mikayla reminds me of Ashley.

  3. It's amazing how different that wall looks without the 70's lights! And I don't recall anything ever being cancelled because of snow... You must have a LOT

  4. Its looking good! Ya now that you say that aunt Angie I do remember a of picture me when I was younger in the same pose and probably with the same hair as Kayla. What a cutie! :)
