Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Amy Reaches The Grand Old Age Of 27

Amy was born by Cesarean section after 20 hours of labor. My water broke at home, and I began hemorrhaging. I had an ultrasound for the first time while in labor to determine the cause of the bleeding--partial placenta previa. We also learned from that ultrasound during labor that Amy was a girl. My doctor was optimistic that I could deliver her before we all bled to death.  Not only did I fail to progress in labor, but I also did my best to bleed out. I ended up needing two transfusions after birth, and Amy spent 4 days in NICU because of breathing problems. She was a dainty 10 lbs 5 1/2 oz, 22 1/2 inches. I would still be in labor today if not for that eventual c-section. She looked pretty silly in the NICU with all of the 1 and 2 lb premies.

 Amy, 4 days old

Amy was the world's happiest, most easy-going baby. I don't think I heard her cry more than a handful of times as a baby. She was crawling at 5 months and walking by 10 months.
 Amy, 10 months

Amy seemed to catch every flu virus in town, and spent a lot of time on antibiotics for ear infections and various lung problems. She had so many eardrum ruptures from infection over the years, despite having ear tubes, that she has some permanent hearing loss. At age 5 she was diagnosed with asthma.
Amy, 22 months 

Despite her continual sickness, Amy was born with a great sense of humor and always made us laugh.
 Amy, age 3

Amy was always tall, verbal, and mature beyond her years. People often thought she was a couple of years older than she actually was, and expected her to act older than she was, which could be irratating.
 Amy, age 4

Amy loved sports, but had a unique skill for being injured, on top of her asthma issues. She played sports throughout her school years, mostly basketball and volleyball.
 Amy, age 6

Amy has the best hair in the family--thick, blonde and gorgeous. We are all jealous of her hair.
Amy, age 10

As compensation, Amy had the worst teeth. Her teeth were so crowded, they came in three deep at one point in her life. Pulling loose teeth was difficult because there was no room to wiggle without running into other teeth.  Amy spent years in braces (and we spent a fortune).
 Amy, almost 13

Amy was a pretty teenager and is a beautiful woman.
 Amy, first day of freshman year, almost 15.

Happy Birthday, Amy! We love you!
Amy, age 20


  1. I love these pictures, especially since we only saw Amy every now and then when she was growing up! What a cutie. Happy birthday, Amy! We love you too!

  2. Great looking teeth! It was all money well spent.

  3. Amy was such a darling child. Those photos at ages 4-6 remind me of when she used to wrap her Uncle Dave around her little finger! I adored her then. And I still think she's pretty wonderful! GO AMY!!

  4. Amy really does have the best hair! How did I get the short end of the stick on that one?! We can always count on Amy to make us laugh. Happy Birthday Amy! We love you!!
    PS Mom, so glad you started a new blog! I was so irritated I couldn't comment on the other one!

  5. Happy Birthday-late! Hope your day was great!
