Saturday, July 18, 2015


Once a week, Hailey goes to Occupational Therapy.  They are helping her deal with her struggles of over-reacting to stimulus, as well as her co-ordination issues. It has been an extremely helpful thing for Hailey. Today, they played a game that involved trying to catch Cheetos on her shower cap, shaving cream covered head. No surprise that Hailey loves going there.

July is the time of year the daylilies around our house are in full bloom. I love lilies for a lot of reasons, including the incredible variety of colors. I'm running out of new colors to plant.

Also in bloom this month: bee balm,



and daisies.

The fence-climbing Clematis is still hanging in there, too.

A pair of wrens have built a nest in our birdhouse for the second time this year, and I can hear the nervous chirping of their babies when I get too close.

Inside the house, I've been complaining about our kitchen faucet for awhile. The silver is chipping off, and it keeps getting stuck on the spray setting.

I took matters into my own hands. By that, I mean I bought one Stan can put in for me. I thoughtfully purchased this new one that guarantees you can "replace your faucet in minutes!" That's true. Three million, fifty-one and  a half minutes, to be exact.

Maybe Kailyn should come all the way from Colorado to help Grandpa install this thing. 

And maybe Hailey will draw us a happy picture while Kailyn and Grandpa do their thing.

And maybe Makayla would be willing to oversee the project. Note that Makayla is now wearing a splint instead of a cast. Shockingly, she wasn't a co-operative patient when the nurse tried to cut the cast off. The nurse had to call in reinforcements. The reinforcements had to call in the doctor, who finally got it off while the rest of us held her down. Oh, Makayla!

 Stan is either starting the kitchen on fire or cutting off the old, corroded faucet.

Kailyn checking to make sure the doo-hickey is in the right place.

Double-checking to be certain the water stays in the pipes instead of spilling out and onto the floor.

Thanks, Kailyn! Every time I use the faucet now, I will think of you and your visit!

After all that work, it's time to play. Who's the old guy amongst all those kids?

Heads up, Shelly and Ken. I'm not naming names, but someone has a lead foot. 

It will only be four years and a few weeks before Kailyn is behind the wheel of YOUR car.

 There she goes, zooming past Grandpa.

I believe that's Hailey, trying out the alien machine,

and Makayla playing on the dance pad.

Having Kailyn here was the best!
Grandpa and Grandma Bassett met Shelly part way and picked up Kailyn.  They were nice enough to share her with us. Kailyn is so grown up, and so fun to have visit. It's hard to believe she's almost 12. Love you, Kailyn! Let's do this again!


  1. I love your lilies, where have these all been?

  2. Your flowers are almost as beautiful as your granddaughters.
