Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Christmas Catch-up

We had a fun Christmas with Butlers, Pearsons, and Amy and kids. We're glad that, so far, we always manage to see a few of our offspring and their children over the season, keeping us from having to experience the pain of a childless Christmas.

We had plenty of snow this year.

It was just warm enough to be perfect snowman making weather. I got a kick out of seeing David and McKay lift these heavy balls of snow like they were nothing.

Lucky girls, having a couple of Uncles willing to play with them.

We got about six inches of snow, right before Christmas.

I love children's winter clothes. Why don't I look as cute as Brinlee in my winter gear?? 


Here's a fun treat from a neighbor--a candy choo-choo train.

We did a little cookie decorating.

I'm not sure what Makayla's expression is about here...

We played "Santa's Elves", putting together goody bags for Santa to pass out at

  the traditional December 23rd evening at Grandpa Jones's, where we played the hat game with friends and cousins.

As usual, Hailey won most of the games.

We sang some Christmas carols,

when we spotted a jolly old fella. 

I love the way Hailey is forcing Brinlee to look at Santa and Makayla is pretending to be shy.

Hailey wasted no time telling Santa she needed a puppy. Sadly, Santa says the sleigh is too cold for puppies.

Makayla is hoping for a bunny.

The Pearsons claimed they've been good.

Brinlee was ok as long as she didn't need to make too much eye contact.

Poor Santa is going to need knee surgery after everyone visits with him.
Christmas Eve was a lazy day of playing with cousins.

We also ate our favorite traditional Christmas Eve dinner-- Hawaiian Haystacks

and set the table with our traditional Target sale Christmas dishes.

How fun to have people to share our table with.

After eating too much traditional Mud Pie dessert, we read the Christmas Story from the scriptures and opened our Christmas Stockings.
Our Newlys, holding our family Christmas stockings made from corduroy cat print fabric. Nothing says "Christmas" like corduroy cats.

No Makayla, the toothbrush is for teeth, not noses.

Brinlee found some new socks in her Christmas stocking.

Brinlee wasn't the only one to get socks.

On Christmas morning we continued our tradition of too much food with our favorite homemade whole wheat waffles, buttermilk syrup, sausage, and bacon, milk, eggnog, and chocolate milk.

I'll have a little waffle with my whip cream, please.

The chocolate milk froze in our downstairs mini fridge, but we kind of liked it that way--like having a Wendy's frosty for breakfast.

Brinlee, this is suppose to be the fun part!

Aww, now she's getting it--as soon as Brinlee saw the dress she opened, she started to strip down

to try on her new church dress and 

princess crown and

and fairy princess dress.

Seriously, how can you not laugh at this child???

Guess who got new robes? And did you notice what Hailey gave Makayla? Yep, that's a hot dog cutter, server, and ketsup holder. Wow, I'm going to have to borrow that, Makayla.

Stan pretending to be awake, but he's been so sick for a month now. RA and the flu are a lethal combination. He was also nice enough to share his flu with nearly everyone he came in contact with. 
Megan, begging for the flow of presents to stop.
Ok. Maybe not.

Here's Brinlee, showing polite interest in the toy farming equipment her parents are trying to sell her on.

Makayla and Hailey picked out this frame and picture for Amy to set on her work desk.

We spent Christmas evening looking for David's missing library book and phone. We tore the house apart and they were no where to be seen.

That's because a helpful niece had secretly wrapped them up and set them under the tree.

Oh, Makayla!

Hailey, opening that present she's always wanted.

David and Megan gave us this for Christmas. The Bassetts announced the coming of Kailyn the same way.
After we got all excited, the Butlers claimed it was a joke. Or a lie. Or a lie-joke. You know what this means, don't you?
1) I will never, ever believe you're having a baby, never.
2) Sleep with both eyes open. I'm coming to get you back.

Cousins finding a quiet spot to enjoy their Christmas bounty.

Brinlee was doubly blessed-she inherited Makayla's and Hailey's outgrown toys.

Note Brinlee's bruised and battered face. She took a spill over the back of the couch and landed on the windowsill. 
After Christmas we continued to eat. Here we are at Asian Seafood Grill.

At Fuddruckers.

At Crepe Diem.

This led to a fast and furious set of calorie-burning bowling.

They have all kinds of help for the youngest among us.
Oh look who's winning!
Don't believe anyone who mentions my single-digit score from the first game.

I tried to slice my thumb off in the kitchen and it took a while before it was numb enough to grip the ball.
 We hope your Christmas was wonderful. Thanks to Amy, Pearsons, and Butlers for helping us have so much fun over the holidays!


  1. Hey! How about the bowling game from the first round, the one that really counts. I believe I got 147 and creamed you guys!

    1. Megan! I said we were NOT going to mention that game!!

  2. Fun times! I love reading your posts. Hope Stan is feeling better.

  3. Food food food--that's what Christmas is all about, right? That's what puts the MERRY in MERRY Christmas! (Eat, drink, and be MERRY.) Such cute, cute grandkids, and their parents aren't bad either. Looks like tons of fun!

  4. Another chronicle of fantastic Jones get-togethers. It may get cold outside, but the warmth in your family keeps everything toasty.
