Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Twas The Month Before The Wedding....

This last month before the wedding has been intense. 
 It started off with this gift that arrived in the mail addressed to me. 
What?? I'm PREGNANT? 
And apparently about to deliver! I guess I've been so busy I haven't noticed!

A few months ago, I found this cute little charm pack on sale and snatched it right up.  A day or two later, I came across this blog using this very fabric. I took it as a sign and with a little size adjustment,

whipped up a quilt using my charm pack and a few extra scraps for soon-to-be-here Baby Backman.

I was a little worried about getting it done with everything else going on, but I put the last stitch in it this week.
I used pink minky for the backing

and black and white for the binding. Cause nothing says "baby girl" like black.
Except for maybe purple. Or pink. Oops...

This month hasn't been all fun and games, you know. Amy got strep again this month. Twenty-eight years she goes and never has strep, now suddenly she's had it twice in just a few months.

 This picture has nothing to do with Amy's strep. Hailey and Makayla were just happy Grandpa came home from work.

Stan carefully put up the Christmas lights this month, using his very best "I won't slip and break my foot again while putting up lights" balancing skills.

Hailey and Makayla helped Grandpa put up the lights by staying out of the way.

I volunteered to be the dessert stop for our ward's Relief Society progressive dinner this month. I thought it would motivate me to get the inside Christmas decor up this month. It did. There were 32 women in my living room last night, enjoying a variety of desserts. Fortunately, I didn't have to provide the desserts. I'm not THAT motivated. I did eat several of them, however. 
So much for losing 50 lbs this month for the wedding.

I've had a lot of fun this month digging through every box in my house, looking for pictures of Megan for a slideshow for the reception. I found all kinds of treasures, like my primary bandelo.

This month REALLY gets started tomorrow as we set off toward Utah for our final child's wedding. 
So amazing to be at this point in our lives! 
Stay tuned for endless wedding blogging ahead!


  1. That last picture does look daunting. Good luck and we look forward to seeing you in all your glory in a few days.

  2. I LOVE the quilt. I'm always afraid to use white, but I can see how it really makes the quilt. Beautiful.

    On another note, I finally figured out The Christmas Light Problem. Find a young man home from college for Thanksgiving, preferably one trying to earn money for a mission (uh-oh, that might mean find a senior in high school home for Thanksgiving), and pay HIM to put up the lights. Your husband won't gripe when you say, "I wanted to do something to help Billy earn money for his mission." It's a win-win-win situation.
